Online shopping is fun and convenient, but we understand that you may have concerns. That is why we offer you many different options for shopping with us.
Ordering through our online shop is safe and quick. Our shopping cart system uses the latest SSL encryption to keep your information private and secure. Your credit card information is kept encrypted even from us! If you choose to pay online by credit card, we take all major credit and debit cards, including Visa, MasterCard and American Express. We also offer the option for you to pay online using Paypal.
If you have a Paypal account, you know that Paypal also keeps your information private and secure. When you pay through Paypal, you have the option of using your credit card, debit card, checking account or Paypal account.
You may prefer to pay by mailing in your Check or Money Order or by Phoning in your order using your credit/debit card. You can still use our convenient shopping cart! Just add what you want to the cart, fill in your name and mailing address, and when you get to the Payment Screen, choose either “Mail in Check/Money Order” or “Pay by Phone”. You will then receive an email invoice of your order that you can mail in with your payment or phone us to pay with your Credit/Debit card. If you don’t have access to a printer, you can simply put your invoice number on your check or money order. Using the online shopping cart for your mail-in or phone-in payment ensures accuracy – we have a record of your order so that when we receive your payment, we can quickly fill it. You can also take advantage of any sales or promotions that are available at the time that you place your order online. We allow you the extra time to send in/phone in your payment and still receive these discounts and promotions.
If you choose to call us to place your order by phone, you can pay with your credit or debit card. Our number is (276) 223-1188. If you get our voice mail, we will call you back as soon as possible, or you can include your phone number and best time for us to call you with your online order – we’ve included a place for you to enter this information in the shopping cart when you choose to pay by phone.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Email is usually the quickest way to reach us. You can also call us at: (276) 223-1188. We are in the Eastern Time Zone. If you get our voice mail, please leave your message, and we will call you back as soon as possible.